There was an almost total eclipse of the sun today!!! This is what passes for excitement in my one donkey town. I tried to photograph the eclipse in all of its eerie glory and this is what I got:

Опа, that's not such a great one. I was in class for most of the eclipse. That's how it always goes. In class during eclipses. Here's one through smoked glass:

And if you want to see some more AWESOME photos of my school and our concerted effort to educate (indoctrinate?) our students about the EU, check out this web site and click on the Bulgarian flag amongst all of the other flags (it's the third from the left on the top line for those of you who don't know what the Bulgarian flag looks like, gawd).
One of the teachers said that back in the day they used to have to participate in similar information campaigns about the Soviet Union.
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