понеделник, юни 19, 2006

You Really Will Be Fascinated by the Minute Details of My Life

The weekend went by slowly. I ate a lot of potatoes and drank a lot of cherry juice. I'm sensing hostility from the stray dogs in the neighborhood, a certain xenophobia, a certain anti-Americanism if you will. I want to show them that I can integrate into their dog community, but I don't know how. Maybe the Peace Corps can train me?

A common Saturday schedule for me:

7:00 AM Wake Up
7:05-7:10 Take a shower
7:10-7:11 Put water on for coffee
7:11-? Repent to God for my sins while I'm waiting for the water to boil
7:??- Drink coffee
Rest of the day - Watch Roma people going to and from the market from my balcony
After sunset: Pine for Anna

Sunday: Repeat

So I'm sure some of you want to know why there's a picture of a panda crying in this post. I just wanted to remind everyone that pandas too have feelings.

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